Renewed printing lines will enable fulfilment of even more complex print orders

UAB PakMarkas is implementing the project Investments of UAB PakMarkas in Industrial Digitalisation (project No 03.3.1-LVPA-K-854-01-0033) according to Measure No 03.3.1-LVPA-K-854 ‘Lithuanian Industry Digitalisation’ of Priority Axis 3: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises under the Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments in 2014-2020, funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The purpose of the project is to follow the technological audit of the company, which helped to evaluate the possibilities and perspectives of digitization of production processes and to update the production process by implementing automation (digitization) technologies which will help to achieve higher productivity, increase production volumes, execute more complex orders and ensure product quality, enabling the company to reach a higher competitiveness in the market.
During the project UAB PakMarkas plans to renovate its printing lines and processing equipment, which will enable the company to fulfil more complex printing orders (with exclusive effects), save printing materials, increase print quality, reduce a likelihood of non-compliances because the newly acquired equipment will have cameras for automatic detection of non-compliances. Part of the investments will go to the purchase of equipment for production of a brand new product for our company. Having installed the new equipment, the company will start producing flexible laminated films.
Total value of the project: EUR 3,404,749.00. Funds allocated: EUR 1,192,532.15.